
Movie Watch When Harry Met Sally... Without Membership HD 1080p Solar Movies




Resume Spanning a long decade of inconclusive debates and logical arguments on the ever-present question of whether men and women can be just friends, the successful political consultant, Harry Burns, and the New York City journalist, Sally Albright, still haven't found the answer. Against the backdrop of a strictly platonic friendship peppered with intense love/hate moments, Harry and Sally stubbornly refuse to accept that they are the perfect match, even though they love to banter when they are not bickering. Now, after all this time, they still find themselves before this complex ongoing problem. Will the best friends stop denying the pure magnetism that prevailed ever since Harry met Sally?
8 of 10
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genres Drama, Comedy

I'm sorry <3. Movie Watch When Harry Met salle de réception. 9 /10 Beautiful film, giving hope to all those seemingly unrequited loves. Can you beat some of the lines in this film? As a guy, which I am, I identified with Harry's lines so much, and you can't help but side with him. The chemistry between the two actors, Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan is superb, and you believe in them when they talk, you feel for them when they look at each other. Even the friends are well casted, Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby. It's such relaxed acting and filming that you do nothing but watch these people fall in love, and pretty soon you feel like you're involved as well. With a fantastic soundtrack, direction, script and acting, it's a great film. 82 out of 90 found this helpful. Was this review helpful? Sign in to vote. Permalink 10 /10 One of the best romantic comedies ever! Not too long ago I finally got around to seeing this film, I'd heard so much about it that I had to see it. After seeing it the first time I thought it was good, but I have to say that I liked it even more on my second viewing. The film is absolutely wonderful! The story is very amusing and keeps you interested in the characters from start to finish. I literally couldn't wait to see what would happen in the next scene. This is one of those movies that goes by very quickly. I think that's a sign of a good movie, when you just can't believe that you're already an hour or so into the movie. The story really flows nicely from scene to scene. The cast is great in the film as well. Billy Crystal pulls off one of his best performances, and has a slew of great jokes throughout the film. Meg Ryan looks as beautiful as ever and has such a cute way about her. Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher definitely deserve a great deal of credit too, they both did superb jobs as well. Director Rob Reiner did a great job with the film, keep up the good work Rob. If you're into romantic comedies, then you definitely should see this film. Even if you aren't really into the whole romantic part of it, the comedy is great and worth seeing. I would most definitely recommend seeing this film. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading, -Chris 154 out of 176 found this helpful. An Icon UACW 14 September 2002 This movie grows like a good wine. I really didn't get it when it was first released; I avoided it like the plague. But people have a curious tendency to mature and change their POVs with time, and so was it with me. This movie opened me up to a lot of things - believe it or not, I didn't get the 'Call Me' sequence at first: I was lost, and admit it. But I am not lost now, and this movie is partly responsible. Meg might be the reason guys want to see this movie, again and again, but after a while you begin to appreciate the contribution Crystal made to the film. The dialogue has his name all over it. The dialogue in this film is at times simply amazing - check the memorable quotes here if you've seen the movie and have forgot. I would not pick this movie out of a barrel as most likely to be so influential, but it's a fact that it is, and rightfully so. Great support from Kirby and Fisher. Today it's Hanks and Ryan who are paired, thanks undoubtedly to Sleepless in Seattle, but one wonders why no one has tried to get Crystal and Ryan back together again. They're fantastic. This is one of the all-time best movies ever made. All-time 10? Or 20? or 1000? I don't know; it's just one of the best - it has that quality about it. Keeper. 100 out of 120 found this helpful. peerless I love romantic comedies, and this may be my all-time favorite. Nora Ephron's writing is sharp and VERY funny, and the perfect cast delivers the dialogue with flawless timing. I own it on DVD, and will almost invariably turn to it for at least a couple of minutes when I see it in the TV schedule. There are so many priceless moments that I can't pick out one to highlight; most of them are subtler and funnier than the famous Simulated Orgasm scene. Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher are perfect in their supporting roles, and Rob Reiner's direction couldn't be better. I'm afraid that I'm doing nothing but gushing in this review, but great is great, and it's hard to say anything else. 84 out of 100 found this helpful. When romance met sheer genius I am no expert on the genre, but I'd have to say "When Harry met Sally" is, besides the plethora of truly wonderful films made by Woody Allen, the wittiest and most funny romantic comdedy waiting for you out there in video world. I'd only wished I'd seen the film sooner because this seems like that perfect film for discussion with a circle of good friends at Pizzaria Uno. The movie came out in 1989, but for some reason, I think this is one even our kids may like. Like all good films coming from the genere, this film thrives most on its witty dialgue and cleverness in not "sentimnetalizing" it too much. In other words, there is that perfect equilibrium between scenes of sheer poignancy and scenes of brutal comic relief. The thespians involved, of course, have a lot to do with the film's success and overall appeal. Ryan and Crystal are perfect for the roles assigned, each one of them bringing their charisma and fresh breath of life to the screen. Crystal fits snugly into that character we find all too obnoxious but can't help but loving and Ryan, well, she is as adorable as always. The issue the film tackles is an important one, I think. It asks us a question of universal importance, namely, can women and men ever be friends?. I'll leave that for you and your friends to talk about at Pizzaria Uno. For now, I'll just say that with heaps of quirky, funny dialogue, a taut script from Nora Ephron, and clean directing form Reiner, "When Harry met Sally" is a highly enjoyable film that unsurprisingly has held strong a decade after its inception. dan 83 out of 99 found this helpful. Famous romantic comedy Can men and women ever be merely friends, without the temptation of sex rearing its ugly head? This is the question that this movie so famously posed - and so glibly answered - almost fifteen years ago. As it follows the progression of Harry and Sally - a pair of charming, if neurotic, Manhattanites - from enemies to confidants to lovers, it seems to smugly relish the fact that it has proven its point: men and women can never just "be friends" - sex is always the bond that unites them. But the film is so manipulative, so dogged in its pursuit of this goal, that it never appears an alternative position was ever considered. So, as philosophy, chalk When Harry Met Sally up to around zilch. Now, disregard the above paragraph. Because When Harry Met Sally makes up for its slights to credibility and lack of rigorous thought by being easily the funniest movie of its year (1989). This humor flows mainly from the beautifully crafted scenes and dialogue; indeed, each scene is a dialogue set piece (and could be transferred to the stage quite easily - surprising no one's ever done it, actually), which flows with the firm and confident rapidity of a 20th century Shaw or Oscar Wilde. Of course, this approach has its downside, too: mainly that the lead characters seem less and less like real people and more like tools for the brilliant lines and conceits of the screenwriter (Nora Ephron - never better; in fact, never even remotely close ever again). This may have something to do with the film's inability to seem completely real or true to human nature as it actually plays out - but with lines like these, who's complaining? For, what is great about the movie is not its originality (it steals from all over, especially Woody Allen movies, and the few ideas it can truly call its own are, as I've said, not particularly bright or well-thought out), but its ability to hone in on stereotypes of character and situation and offer pithy and hilarious precis of the male-female condition through the witty banter and interaction of its characters. As such, the film is less like a conventional movie and more like a stand-up routine dealing with life and love in the Big City: it is to be judged not by its content, but by the dexterity of its put-ons and one-liners. (It is not surprising, for example, that several of its set-pieces and comic notions were revisited just a few years later, and in much the same manner, on "Seinfeld". ) In that regard, it succeeds flawlessly. Just think of all the conventions it gets in, and skewers: the one-track mind male (Harry); the "sensitive" and practical female, repulsed yet intrigued by said male (Sally); the emotionally unsettled mistress playing the field (Carrie Fisher, who keeps an index card file of "available" men); the live-ins who can't "commit" (Sally and her ex-boyfriend); women's concern with middle age and their biological clock ("I'm gonna be 40, " weeps Sally. "When? " asks Harry. "Someday. "); the male's tendency to skip out after making love; the horror and unpredictability of blind dates; and, in a scene which is almost passe to mention anymore, women's ability to fake orgasm. The way this film jumps from one familiar convention to another would be embarrassing if it weren't for the fact that each one is handled with such economy, humor and grace. Billy Crystal acquits himself well as Harry - predictably, perhaps, as it's a part tailor made for a standup comedian. Still, seeing him in this after years of half-baked movies and fawning Oscar presentations, it's a revelation how glib and unlikable he can allow himself to be... and *still* be likable. Yo, Billy, if you're listening out there: try incorporating some of Harry's darker shadings and more egocentric traits into your future roles; it gives you a more complete palette to work from and keeps you from being too generic and schticky. And your charm and humor will always shine through anyway. If Billy needs to edge a little bit closer back to Harry, though, Meg Ryan needs to get Sally completely out of her system. This role, deservedly, made her a star - but she has tried to go back to this particular well once too many times, and it's become way too familiar: you know, the adorable, bright-eyed bit - mentally disheveled, prissy around the edges with just a wisp of klutziness, all topped by that cute, mega-watt smile. It has become now the "Meg Ryan" character, but back when Sally came along it was still fresh, and it was tied to a particular personality. Ryan gives Sally a shy-cum-toughness as well as a moody, slightly cynical and self-deprecating wit that is just totally right. She and Crystal play off each other like two old pros, and they weave in and out of some charming and hilarious verbal music. It's funny, but I just recently saw this movie on a Saturday afternoon television marathon of "Romantic Weepies" - and it struck me as an odd designation, because this movie is anything but a weeper. It takes a clear-eyed, almost cynical view of love and companionship, and creates around it a charming tapestry of bracing wit and crunching dialogue. So save the violins and the handkerchiefs for romantic comedies less sure on their feet - whose deficiency in wit must be made up for by a surfeit of melodrama and manipulation. This movie is manipulative too, of course, but its manipulation is almost beside the point. It's the laughs along the way we remember here, not the big kiss or the grand embrace. That Harry and Sally were "meant" for each other and that the film "proves" it is much less important than the fact that Sally does one hell of a great orgasm. Waiter, I'll have what they're having... 65 out of 80 found this helpful. "When Harry Met Sally" - Stands the Test of Time "When Harry Met Sally" may not at first seem to be the kind of film that remains classic and timeless. In this very cute exploration of an age-old question: "Can men and women truly just be friends?, " Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan play the kind of characters we have come to love to see them play. No surprises there as they skillfully banter back and forth between adorable, hysterical and morose as the plot rolls on. But upon closer inspection, this film is actually full of nice surprises, including its durability. Watch carefully and you will find one of the best examples of the way an excellent script can propel the plot, character development and pacing of a film perfectly from start to finish. Many lines may seem to be merely entertaining one-liners, but they also serve these other purposes simultaneously. This is a well crafted and well acted script. Even the most dated aspect of the film, the intentional focus on clothing, hair and makeup styles as they change throughout the decades, has taken an unexpected poignancy now that the styles we may remember as current at the time have come to be old-fashioned themselves. The end result is that "When Harry Met Sally" speaks to us if we remember the times portrayed in the film or not. We're still asking questions about men and women and friendship, and films such as this still help us answer them. 45 out of 54 found this helpful. the perfect modern take on a classic idea Aside from freer language and more explicitly sexual humour, When Harry met Sally is a very traditional romantic comedy, very much in the mould established in 1934 by It Happened One Night. Two very different but evenly-matched people are thrown together by circumstance. They are initially hostile to one another, but over the course of the film, this hostility turns to love as their personalities are softened by exposure to their opposites. Indeed, the central traits of Harry and Sally correspond very directly to those of Peter and Ellen in IHON - he worldly-wise and cynical, she spoiled and certain of what's what. Neither of them, it turns out, is as right or as self-confidant as they believe. What's very modern about WHMS is its attitude to long-term relationships. It's no longer enough for the couple simply to fall in love and live happily ever after. They must have a full and real understanding of exactly what, or who, they're letting themselves in for. They must also be sexually compatible (hence the importance of their having slept with one another before they finally get together). Within this framework of traditional romance in an unromantic world, WHMS is almost perfect. Structurally, there are no gaps or implausibilities. Even the central coincidence of these people running into each other under these circumstances is answered. The short but affecting intermissions of successful old couples describing their relationships are not only crucial to the pacing of the film, they also make the point that Harry and Sally are just another couple with an unusual and interesting story. There's an element of luck and coincidence in every successful relationship. The effectiveness of the film's structure is perhaps best highlighted by the soundtrack. There's a perfectly selected Louis Armstrong track for every phase of their relationship - the soundtrack not only complements the mood of the film, it comments on the action. The acting is superb, with the two main protagonists as well as their two foils (Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher) all giving career-best comic performances. Without such fantastic performances, it's very possible that the film could have failed: these are essentially self-indulgent people, that we sympathise with them and recognise them is in great measure down to the stars. Finally, the script is fantastic. Of course nobody really speaks like that, but like all great scripts it distills emotions and points of view into a few lines. And it's funny. The one-liners are still sharp and amusing on the twentieth viewing, and the set-pieces are beautifully realised (the orgasm scene is only the most famous - check out Harry's olympic sex-dream speech - "Must have been the dismount" - or the "I'm through making a schmuck out of myself" phone call). All this, and a dinner party talking point about male and female relationships. Can we ever be just friends? Not even with an ugly girl? "Nah, you pretty much want to nail them too. " 38 out of 47 found this helpful. not just a chick flick This movie is not just your average chick flick tearjerker romance movie. I'm sure that a lot of guys can relate to this movie as well. First of all, there are some hilarious lines in this movie that will appeal to men and women. Second, the orgasm scene in the restaurant has got to be one of the funniest scenes in movie history. And finally, the guys will be cheering on Billy Crystal, as he makes love to a LOT of women in this movie. I really enjoyed this movie, and I'm pretty sure that I am a guy (I'll check later). Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan will remind everyone of their everyday lives in this true-to-life (and very funny) movie. So guys, don't reject "When Harry Met Sally... " just because women cried at it. And girls, if you see this movie, you will probably want to see it another 50 times. 47 out of 62 found this helpful. 8 /10 Timeless I decided to watch this for the first time and thought it was one of the most realistic romance movies that there is. It is also really cute with showing older couples between the scenes and hearing their love at first sight stories. 6 out of 6 found this helpful. When Harry Met Someone This is Billy Crystal's show. He has an understated, ordinary, humble screen presence. It's not the case that every single line HAS to be funny in order for us to like him - with Crystal, a joke can fall flat and somehow it doesn't make him personally look bad. But here every line IS funny, so he has charm to burn. I know people like Meg Ryan - I guess I do, too, in this particular film - and I know that there are people who find her `orgasm' scene amusing, but Sally is really just someone for Harry to meet and ultimately fall in love with. She's completely clueless. Most of the jokes are at her expense rather than his. The genuine wit, the power of observation, the theoretical insight, all lie with Harry. Is this a problem? Not in the least. Unlike most romantic comedies this is not some kind of duel - it's the more realistic study of many, many separate encounters. Also unlike most romantic comedies, this one is funny. I think I mentioned that. The film benefits from its second rank support: good performances by Carrie Fischer and that guy whose name doesn't matter, locations someone actually went to some trouble to look for, and a song-score that is doesn't intrude and hit us repeatedly over the head. Allegedly `When Harry Met Sally' has been imitated by later productions, but I can't think of a case where the imitation is accurate enough to even be recognisable. 48 out of 69 found this helpful. I'll have what Reiner was directing in the 80's "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. " My favorite Rob Reiner film has always been When Harry Met Sally, a romantic comedy that I never expected to enjoy as much as I did. It's the best Woody Allen film not directed by Woody Allen. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal's quirky chemistry in this movie is probably one of the best I've seen in any film. Reiner is a director that is hard to categorize since he has worked with different genres: thriller with Misery, fantasy/adventure with The Princess Bride, coming of age with Stand by Me, mockumentary with This is Spinal Tap, drama with A Few Good Men, and comedy with The Bucket List. He's made his share of bad films (his latest films are probably his weakest), but he seems to have excelled in every genre without establishing a common trademark. You could watch When Harry Met Sally back to back with Misery and you'd never guess it was directed by the same person. The secret to his success with this rom-com is that the relationship feels true to life as he first introduces these flawed characters that don't seem to care too much for each other, but over the years they begin bonding and establishing a strong friendship. These characters are so relatable and we can see ourselves or our friends in the film. It reminds us of that friend of the opposite sex we had and how easy it was to blur the line between friendship and love. It makes us think of that universal question: Can a man and a woman be best friends without falling in love with each other? A lot of credit must be given to Nora Ephron's Oscar nominated screenplay because the dialogue and debates between the main characters are authentic and sharp at the same time. There are so many memorable scenes, including the fake orgasm which turned Meg Ryan into such a star, but the final tear jerking scene is my favorite because Billy Crystal delivered his lines in such a perfect way. Even the scenes where old couples are being interviewed in documentary style works perfectly and serves a purpose other than simply serving as transitions taking place in the story. The honesty that comes through in each conversation between Harry and Sally and the incredible chemistry between them is what makes this one of my go to films when it comes to recommending a romantic movie. Did I mention that the film takes place in New York of all places? 5 out of 5 found this helpful. Still One Of The Best Romantic Comedies Warning: Spoilers (When Harry Met Sally) discuss an important thing that many people are still arguing about it till this day: Men and Women can't be Friends. And for the rest of the film it discuss this issue and make it for sure that no man can ever be a friend to a woman due to the sex part between them. WHMS: is a brilliant comedy with brilliant direction and casting. Starring: Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, and directed by the fabulous Rob Reiner: most known for (Misery 1990 and Stand by me 1986). Meg Ryan made a lot of comedies, but her best performance was in four films (including this one): Sleepless In Seattle 1993 When Harry Met Sally 1989 Joe Versus the Volcano 1990 You Have Got A Mail 1998 She was really amazing here with hair funny facial expressions and her acting is the same style she uses in SIS, so if you love that film I highly recommend this one. As For Billy Crystal he was funny as usual, he is one of my favorite comedian star of all time, and I don't think that anyone else could portrayed this role as he did, her really was fabulous. At the end the film is powerful convincing source that both men and women can't be friends no matter of what they pretend, someone may disagree with it saying that he or she has a lot of friends from the opposite sex, but the film here is not discussing the normal friendship (which includes dining at the end of the week, or going to a bar and have a drink) it talks about the best friend: so it is impossible to find a best friend female to a guy that goes wherever he goes talks about the smallest details that guys talks about (And the same thing goes for women). Final Rate: 8 out of 10 4 out of 4 found this helpful. Best rom-com I ever seen! I'm glad I got to see in the theater for the first time, such a wonderful experience! I absolutely love Billy Crystal and how chatty he was. Such a hilarious enthralling treasure and well written! Nora Ephron the screenwriter should've won the Oscar nods, it's a real shame when that happens. Rob Reiner is a masterful creative director that I truly appreciate! 3 out of 3 found this helpful. One of the Greatest Romantic Comedies AFI 100 Comedies. AFI 100 Passions. AFI 10 Top 10. AFI 100 Quotes. AFI 100 Songs. "When Harry Met Sally" is easily one of the greatest romantic comedies of all time. It is short in duration, it is extremely watchable, Nora Ephron's script is hilarious, and Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan both give fantastic performances. There is very little to dislike about this movie if you are looking for entertainment. However, this is in no means an artsy film or a game-changer, but simply something that will definitely put you in a good mood. When Harry met Sally... they hated each other. Their actual meeting for the first time was nothing special at all: Harry's girlfriend at the start of the movie was a friend of Sally's, and Sally was simply driving Harry back to New York from college because she lived in New York as well. It only takes a couple of minutes into their journey to New York to make it apparent that the script will be full of philosophical discussion between the two of them (as well as other characters) just like most Richard Linklater films. It is an interesting notion that the main point of Harry's initial discussion with Sally is that the two of them can never be friends because the "sex stuff" always gets in the way of a man and a woman - yet 10 years after they meet, they become "just friends" (but do we really believe that? ). There is a very creative scene in the movie about two thirds of the way through where a friend of Harry's and a friend of Sally's are now a couple, and they are each talking on the phone simultaneously with Harry and Sally respectively. Really interesting editing is applied here to get all four characters on the screen at once, each taking up about a fourth of the screen. It is three separate images, the first image being an image of the couple in bed, and the other two being superimposed images of Harry and Sally on opposite ends of the screen while they are each on the phone. It is one of the most creative scenes in Rob Reiner's filmography. Above everything else, "When Harry Met Sally" has a lot of heart, which comes in different forms. It has heart due to its sense of humor, it has heart by showing a lot of emotion between Harry and Sally later in the film, and every now and then, the movie cuts to different couples explaining how they met and when they knew they were meant to be together, putting a smile on the audience member's face. It is also a joy to watch Harry and Sally grow as people as they become friends (which is against Harry's initial beliefs) and as they realize their feelings for each other, even if they do not admit those feelings immediately. From the famous "I'll have what she's having" moment to the finale at midnight on New Year's Eve, "When Harry Met Sally" is a triumph of a motion picture, capturing our hearts and holding on throughout. "When Harry Met Sally" might not be a masterpiece in terms of technicality (it is pretty simply shot and edited aside from that creative scene mentioned above), but it is a film many should experience just for how enjoyable it is. It is a great love story and highly re-watchable. 9/10 Just keeps getting better Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal are fabulous. I've seen this movie probably 10 times and it just keeps improving with age. 7 /10 Captures the anxieties of friendship and romance. When Harry Met Sally is a classic comedy. It's from a magical time when Billy Crystal could be a romantic lead and Meg Ryan was adorably not plastic. The dialogue is quick and witty and the characters are believable and likeable. Rob Reiner does a great job capturing the anxieties of friendship and romance. When everything changed... Whenever I hear something about him, I wonder; what ever happened to Rob Reiner's career? What ever happen to that man that could direct any genre? The man who made us cry in "Stand by me" or made us scare to death in "Misery" is now out of the focus. I saw his last film, "Alex & Emma" (which I tried to tolerate because of the actors who starred in it) and it was shameful to see he was promoting it with and advertisement saying: "from the director of…" The director of "When Harry met Sally", this movie, Reiner's most successful romantic comedy and film ever and by now probably a classic, because of Meg Ryan's famous scene and because of its general charm. Believe, everything is pink in this film, and the romantic story it proposes is something everyone has experienced. In some ways it reminded me to "The mirror has to faces", but that couple relationship was totally different. Here there are two guys in their 20's, travelling to New York for a better life, arguing about the things they think, do, and expect of their future, and so on. These scenes in the car driving to New York could be extremely boring, but writer Nora Ephron (who would write for Meg Ryan again in "You've got mail") makes them very interesting. "How can't you be afraid of death? ", Sally tells Harry, and he answers: "I'm just prepared, when I read a book I always read the ending first in case I die and I can't finish it". Years later that trip is history, and they both have various encounters through the years. She pretends he doesn't recognize her, because she remembers him perfectly. She was actually captivated by him on that trip but never told him. On the other hand, he pretends to be casual, but hasn't erased her from his mind; after more than a decade! Soon they start hanging out, telling each other everything, and become best friends; but if you saw them on the street you wouldn't doubt to think they are a couple. Why don't they confess their feelings? You've got to see the film to figure it out; you've got to witness what happens, how it happens and most importantly why. In our original time, Rob Reiner did this picture more than a decade ago, and he directed it simply and honestly. Without knowing he also brought us one of the first climatic endings in a romantic comedy; those when the guy declares his love in the last minutes, in a powerful touching final speech, you know. But what he actually got right was the cast. Yes, he got together two actors that achieved a unique chemistry in a movie that needed it entirely. Billy Crystal, showing that way of speaking that is only his and a mark for any good comedian. Rob Reiner helped him to become the super comedic star he was already becoming. And Meg Ryan will be ever grateful to this opportunity that showed her unusual beauty, natural talent and all the other things that would make her the queen of the romantic comedy. When Harry Met Sally When Harry Met Sally is one of those films that I was in no way prepared for, which is my favorite kind of new favorite film to watch. Having never seen a Rob Reiner film, I wasn't sure of his style or technique or how he approached his subjects. I quickly learned through his 1989 feature that he provides a very real look at the lives of people in relationships. When Harry Met Sally tells the tale of a chance meeting between two strangers who then continue to reappear in each other's lives. The way in which Reiner exposes the truths of finding someone you can best tolerate in a partner, rather than the person that makes your heart turn to mush is a brilliant grasp of how to illustrate the human condition. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan star in the titular roles and provide the brilliant illustration of everyday, flawed human beings often sensationalized for cinema. Sally (Meg Ryan) agrees to give her friend's boyfriend, Harry (Billy Crystal) a ride to New York upon their graduation from the University of Chicago. After a long car ride of sharing all the quirky details that make up their existence, completely uninhibited since they are unavailable to each other. After the journey to New York is complete, the two part ways not thinking much of each other. Harry and Sally keep bumping into each other over the years as their lives intersect. They finally decide to maintain a friendship, and quickly become friends and confidants. As they see each other through each successive stage of their lives, it becomes increasingly more difficult to watch the other date. Neither of the two has ever shared such intimate details of their lives, their hopes, fears, and dreams with another person so it only makes sense that the two fall in love. Two people with such neuroses in some ways make a perfect match, but in other ways are their own biggest obstacles in love. A film that looks and feels this much like Annie Hall is obviously going to rank highly on my list. I had begun writing about the similarities this film shared with Annie Hall, but I soon gave up because there are just too many. The dialogue is fantastic and the entire film is so well-written. Even though the famous line "I'll have what she's having. " has worked its way into the American lexicon, it loses nothing when it is spoken. Oftentimes, with a line so popular, the audience member has the "roll-your-eyes-"oh" moment when it's spoken; but that's not the case with When Harry Met Sally because the script is so perfect. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan were perfect in their roles, with just enough chemistry to make their unconventional friendship work. Despite how great Meg Ryan was in the role, and also despite the fact that the fate of the universe wouldn't allow it, I couldn't help but think all throughout the film how perfect Gilda Radner (R. I. P. ) would have been in the role opposite Crystal. Anyway, When Harry Met Sally is a brilliant look at the lives of real people, and an exceptional film that has already become a new favorite. 5 out of 6 found this helpful. "Would you like to have dinner?... Just friends" There have only been but a very few films that have tackled the friendship-turned-to-love theme as beautifully as 'When Harry Met Sally' did. There have been numerous attempts thereafter, the most recent one being 'A Lot Like Love' but none of them come close to this wonderful gem. Nora Ephron's writing is top class as it provides clever one-liners, great dialogues, well-written characters and a lovely story. Rob Reiner tells a common story in a very uncommon way. A lot of the movie is based on both Ephron and Reiner's experience. Similarly the characters of Harry and Sally are based on themselves. However, they allow the actors to insert their own input which leads to the electrifying chemistry between the lead actors. The cast and crew have had a lot of fun during the making and the amount of heart that's been put into the film is quite obvious. The story obviously revolves around Billy Crystal's Harry and Meg Ryan's Sally. The two actors are fantastic to say the least and bring magic on screen. I wonder why they were never paired again. Perhaps it's for the best as they are remembered for this movie rather than what happened with Gere and Roberts after 'Runaway Bride'. Bruno Kirby and Carrie Fisher deserve mention too for their great support as Harry and Sally's friends. Together with Crystal and Ryan, they create some of the funniest scenes. The background music flows in a subtle way, giving voice to the city and the songs fantastically add to the narration. Without a doubt, 'When Harry Met Sally' is one of the finest films of its genre and one of the very few that stood the test of time. Even today people vividly remember Meg Ryan's memorable orgasm scene. Not that that's the only great scene in the movie. There are too many to list but to mention a few that I liked include the scene where Harry and Sally date each other's best friend but things take an unexpected turn, the car-ride to New York, the scene where Sally for the first time opens up to Harry about some people the film raised a question whether men and woman can be platonic friends without having sex ruining it. I don't think it was the intention of the movie as it's only about these two characters who have very different viewpoints and when they meet the first time, there's a very strong attraction which stays throughout the end and Crystal and Ryan display that in a very subtle way. As the friendship grows stronger, so does the attraction because it's not just physical anymore. The more they know each other the more they're drawn towards one another and the love gets stronger. Thus, it's not about whether men and woman can have a successful platonic friendship but about two people who were always fond of each other, become friends and gradually realize their love. 'When Harry Met Sally' isn't only for those who like romantic comedies because it can absolutely be enjoyed as a hilarious comedy. Arguably the best romantic comedy of recent years. By the late eighties, the romantic comedy as a movie genre had been in a sort of disturbed sleep for twenty years with only an occasional and disappointing movie outing between snores. Yet when they released 'When Harry met Sally' in 1989, it signified to the world that the RomCom was not only out of bed but it was showered, shaved, dressed in a brand new suit and ready to take on the world once more with new found confidence. It's 1977 and Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) has just graduated from the University of Chicago and is moving to New York to start his career. He's a nice enough guy who's only flaw seems to be his apparent misogynistic and macabre outlook on life. Also New York bound is fellow graduate Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) who as a favour for a friend agrees to take Harry along. The two have never met before and almost immediately Sally takes a dislike to him. His brash and over flirtatious demeanour irritates her intensely and her quirky prissiness becomes a natural target for his humour. He even sexually propositions her, which she of course rejects outright. In view of all this coupled with Harry's somewhat blinkered idea that men and women can never be friends without sexual attraction becoming an issue, they reach New York and mutually call an abrupt halt to their 18 hour friendship, both convinced it has lasted 18 hours too long. Fast forward five years and Harry and Sally meet again at an airport and when he discovers they are on the same flight, he approaches her to rekindle their friendship and this time things are even worse. Despite both finding love and success in New York, the years have done nothing to kerb Harry's sexist and irritating views and Sally's abject disapproval of everything that he stands for seems even more pronounced. They part once again at journeys end, this time with Sally making it quite clear she wants nothing whatsoever to do with him again. Another five years pass and both Harry and Sally meet in a bookshop both having recently lost the loves referred to in the previous paragraph. Harry is divorcing his unfaithful wife and Sally has just dumped her long-term relationship as it was becoming clear to her that it was never going to end in an 'I Do'. This time however, possibly due to them both being humbled by recent events in their life, they find that they have empathy with each other and a friendship starts to build, a true platonic friendship to the extent where they finally become inseparable and reliant on each other almost on a brother and sister level. They partner each other at functions when neither have a date, they set each other up on blind dates and even take day trips together to the museum, and by using each other as an emotional crutch they finally learn to settle the demons of their previous relationships. It seems like Harry has finally realised and now thoroughly excepts that men and women CAN be friends without a sexual entanglement. In fact so secure are they in their beliefs that they are nothing more than just good friends, they seem completely oblivious to the fact that they have in fact fallen head of heals in love with each other. Billy Crystal is on fine form in one of his most memorable and hilarious performances and Meg Ryan 'Fakes' her way into movie history in that now famous restaurant scene. With great direction by Rob Reiner, a superb script by Nora Ephron and wonderful support from Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby, 'When Harry Met Sally' is the Crème de la Crème of all the modern day RomComs. 7 out of 10 found this helpful. Iconic romance Often recommended as one of the best romances ever, "When Harry Met Sally... " is a completely recommended pick, very funny and having one of the most memorable couples in movie history. Both Harry and Sally are initially shown as incompatible, almoust oposites, but as the movie goes, we, the audience, realize that their personalities are actually complementary. Their conversations become more emotive and intimate with time, both changing to become better and the good cinematography emphatizes that; specially with details as the multiple split camera scenes (which seemed to be the hardest to film). Talking about the singular elements, the script is amazing, one of the best in the genre, the movie has a lot of quotable lines itself, but that doesn't define a good script, but rather the smoothness in their conversations and -a very important thing- self-refering quotes that -like a postmodern book- criticize constructively the stereotypes in both the fictional and real romance (with data as the "fake; rate or the male/female frienships). This kind of elements give an intelligent aspect to an already enjoyable tape, but of course, it all reduces to that question: is it worth your time? To which I assure you it is. 2 out of 2 found this helpful. The ultimate rom com This was proably the first rom com I had ever watched and I loved it. Since then I have seen many other rom coms but never can they beat this classic. A perfect combination of humour and romance. The dialogue is memorable and the actor's have amazing chemistry. You really believe in there love story. I recommend it to any one who calls themself a fan of the rom com genre. One of the greatest romantic comedies ever made. When Harry met Sally was a massive critical and box office success when it was released. This is a witty comedy set in the big apple and both Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan are in fantastic touch. They were both huge stars at the time and the respective king and queen of comedy, unarguably. The reason the film was so successful is because it taps into the omnipresent societal dilemma: Can a man and woman simply be friends and nothing more. Nora Ephron's screenplay is one of the finest examples of a funny screenplay and Rob Reiner is a master filmmaker who is in sublime touch here. If there is one comedy drama I would recommend you watch it is when harry met sally. Permalink

Movie Watch When Harry Met salle de mariage.


The Columbia Torch Lady Transforms into A Torch Bride in the Wedding Gown. Hate this kind of trailer with the narrator and stuff. 2:02 when you order Mountain Dew code red with the pizza instead of regular Mountain Dew. Watch when harry met sally full movie. And audrey's hepburn's the one you've always wanted to do it with. When harry met sally full movie watch online with english subtitles. Movie Watch When Harry Met sally. Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) and Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) meet when she gives him a ride to New York after they both graduate from the University of Chicago. The film jumps through their lives as they both search for love, but fail, bumping into each other time and time again. Finally a close friendship blooms btw them, and they both like having a friend of the opposite sex. But then they are confronted with the problem: "Can a man and a woman be friends, without sex getting in the way? " George Washington Bridge, Hudson River, New York. The George Washington Bridge known informally as the GW Bridge is a double-decked suspension bridge spanning the Hudson River, connecting the Washington Heights neighborhood in the borough of Manhattan in New York City to Fort Lee, New Jersey, in the United States. Washington Square North and 5th Avenue, Manhattan. Terminal 7, JFK International Airport, Queens. Loeb Boathouse, Central Park (btw 74th and 75th Street) Manhattan. Loeb Boathouse The Loeb Boathouse, one of the most famous icons of Central Park is located at the northeastern tip of the Lake and houses the Boathouse Restaurant. It is a romantic setting for dinner on a mid-summer’s evening, watching the sun sink behind the trees and maybe catching a gondola slowly poling past. Around 1874, Calvert Vaux designed a two-story boathouse at the eastern end of the Lake. About the new Boathouse Vaux said: “In order to compensate for the interruption of the view from the walk, and better accommodate those who should wish to wait in the vicinity, the roof was made a deck to be covered with awnings furnished with seats. ” The original structure served nobly for eighty years until the 1950’s, by which time it was so run down that it had to be demolished. The current Boathouse took its place in 1954 and was largely financed with a gift from investment banker Carl Loeb. Today the Boathouse features year round dining, with overhead heating helping to compensate for the chilly winds of winter and enabling patrons to enjoy the view overlooking the lake. More informal snacks are available on the outside terrace across from the bicycle rental concession. And of course you can also rent rowboats or take a ride in an authentic Venetian gondola. The Boathouse is also used by the dedicated group of Central Park Bird watchers who come virtually every day to record their observations of birds and other Park wildlife. Old Giants Stadium, 50 Route 120, East Rutherford, New Jersey. The stadium, which the Giants shared with the Jets was demolished in 2010 and replaced by MetLife Stadium seen in the picture below. Bookshop, 2259 Broadway and West 81st Street, Manhattan. Shakespeare & Co bookshop closed in 1996. West 77th Street and Central Park West, Manhattan. otsoNY Comments: Special thanks to Bob Egan for confirming this film location. Harry's Apartment, 57 East 11th Street (btw University Place & Broadway) Manhattan. Pathway (Near Bethesda Fountain) Central Park, Manhattan. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 5th Avenue and East 82nd Street, Manhattan. The Met is the largest art museum in the United States with among the most significant art collections. Its permanent collection contains more than two million works, divided among seventeen curatorial departments. Metropolitan Museum of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art, known colloquially as The Met, is an art museum located on the eastern edge of Central Park, along what is known as Museum Mile in New York City, USA. It has a permanent collection containing more than two million works of art, divided into nineteen curatorial departments. The main building, often referred to simply as "the Met, " is one of the world's largest art galleries; there is also a much smaller second location in Upper Manhattan, at "The Cloisters, " which features medieval art. Represented in the permanent collection are works of art from classical antiquity and Ancient Egypt, paintings and sculptures from nearly all the European masters, and an extensive collection of American and modern art. The Met also maintains extensive holdings of African, Asian, Oceanic, Byzantine and Islamic art. The museum is also home to encyclopedic collections of musical instruments, costumes and accessories, and antique weapons and armor from around the world. A number of notable interiors, ranging from 1st century Rome through modern American design, are permanently installed in the Met's galleries. The Metropolitan Museum of Art was founded in 1870 by a group of American citizens. The founders included businessmen and financiers, as well as leading artists and thinkers of the day, who wanted to open a museum to bring art and art education to the American people. It opened on February 20, 1872, and was originally located at 681 Fifth Avenue. As of 2007, the Met measures almost a quarter mile long and occupies more than two million square feet otsoNY Comments: The most famous scene in the movie is where Sally Albright fakes an orgasm while sat in a New York Deli opposite Harry Burns. Katz's Deli is in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Inside the restaurant the table where Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal sat at for that scene is marked with a sign above the table. Katz's Delicatessen, 205 East Houston Street and Ludlow Street, Manhattan. Katz's Delicatessen Katz's Delicatessen, also known as simply Katz's Deli, is a Jewish kosher style delicatessen on the Lower East Side of New York City, located at 205 E. Houston Street, on the south-west corner of Houston and Ludlow Streets, in Manhattan. Since its founding in 1888, it has become popular among locals and tourists alike for its pastrami sandwiches and hot dogs, both of which are widely considered among New York's best. Each week, Katz's serves 5, 000 pounds of corned beef, 2, 000 pounds of salami and 12, 000 hot dogs. Katz's Delicatessen Website: West 96th Street and Broadway, Manhattan. Cafe Luxembourg, 200 West 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, Manhattan. West Broadway (btw Prince Street and West Houston Street) Manhattan. Sharper Image Store, 4 West 57th Street (btw 5th and 6th Avenues) Manhattan. The store has since closed down. Jess & Marie Brownstone, 32 West 89th Street and Central Park West, Manhattan. Bethesda Terrace, (Mid-Park at 72nd Street) Central Park, Manhattan. Bethesda Terrace has two levels. The upper terrace flanks the 72nd Street Cross Drive and the lower terrace provides a podium for viewing the Lake. The fountain is the central feature on the lower level of the terrace. 5th Avenue and Grand Army Plaza (Near East 60th Street) Manhattan. 7th Floor, Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street and Houston Street, Manhattan. The 7th floor of the Puck Building has the Skylight Ballroom. Washington Square Park, Greenwich Village, Manhattan. otsoNY Comments: Although the New Years Eve party was shot at the Puck Building in Manhattan, Harry is seen entering the old Park Plaza Hotel at 607 South Park View Street, overlooking Macarthur Park in downtown Los Angeles. Park Plaza Hotel, 607 Park View Street, Los Angeles, California. Entrance Only to the Park Plaza Hotel Building in LA. 1st Floor, Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street and Houston Street, Manhattan. The 1st floor of the Puck Building has the Grand Ballroom.

I love this movie I don't care what people think. Watch movie when harry met sally online free. I'll tell you one thing Fred, darling... I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money? Fred: In a minute well I guess it's pretty lucky neither of us is rich <3 My favorite. I sooo hated hugh grant's character here. The whole time I was cringing and feeling sorry for Lucy. Their romance at the end didn't satisfy me either. Good film tho. Watch movie when harry met sally. Movie Watch When Harry Met sally ride. Oh my God, this parallels my experience with this film perfectly. I had just assumed it was just another rom com, but it was and is something more.

I would watch this film 1000 times and not get bored if it wasn't for the very very boring female character. Movie Watch When Harry Met salle de sport. No. people dont belong to people they should tumblr that gif. Why didn't Beauty and the Beast become one of the top ten I love you scenes? Though Beast was on the verge of death, Belle's words: I love you would've hit its mark on the spot. For not only was it heart wrenching, but also, it saved his kingdom as she broke the spell.

2:33 sonofabitch! That's a good line. Watch when harry met sally full movie online free. Gfdtgjuj. Watch movies online when harry met sally.


Sally: I'm gonna be 40. sobs) brief pause) Harry: In EIGHT years <3 <3. A few minutes into this I was like princess diaries. it's iconic. I almost cried when I saw it at #1: OK, I did. (and this is coming from a film student. Los felicito por hacer de esta película una porquería. Piensen cómo pueden malograrla más. 0 Rating (0) Loading... When Harry Met Sally… During their travels from Chicago to New York, Harry and Sally Will debate whether or not sex ruins a perfect relationship between a man and a woman. Eleven years later, and they’re still no closer to finding the answer. Views: 238 Genre: Comedy,  Drama,  Romance Director: Rob Reiner Actors: Billy Crystal, Bruno Kirby, Carrie Fisher, David Burdick, Gretchen Palmer, Joe Viviani, Lisa Jane Persky, Meg Ryan, Michelle Nicastro, Robert Alan Beuth, Steven Ford Duration: 96 Release: 1989 IMDb: 7. 6.

Same here! haha - what's worse is i repeat it back to them like he does and people look at me like i'm a nutbag at least 30% of the time. i live in the south, pecan pie comes up more often than you'd think.
Movie Watch When Harry Met sally mann.
As a bisexual, I can confirm I have no friends.
Will got in a fight and had to move to Bel Air.

Someone knows which is the name of the song? Please. When Harry Met Sally… is a romantic comedy film written by Nora Ephron and directed by Rob Reiner. It stars Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan together with Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby. The story follows the title characters from the time they meet just before sharing a cross-country drive, through twelve years or so of chance encounters in New York City.
The film opens with the two strangers,Harry and newly graduated from the University of Chicago, share a car trip from Chicago to New York, where they are both going to make their way. During the trip, they discuss aspects of their characters and their lives, eventually deciding it is impossible for men and women to be "just friends." They arrive in New York and go their separate ways. They meet a few years later on an airplane and Harry reveals he is married. They meet again at a bookstore a few years after that where Harry reveals he is now divorced. From that point on, the two form a friendship. Eventually their closeness results in their respective best friends meeting and falling in love with each other. At a New Year's Eve party Harry and Sally confront the complex tangle of emotions they feel for each other.
This is a classic romantic is a touching and funny film set a new standard for romantic comedies, and he was ably abetted by the sharp interplay between Billy Crystal and Meg what makes this a classic despite the story's predictability, is the dialogue and the chemistry, which makes for a high-wire of all,it presents question and provokes thought to both men and women.

I can tell you wholeheartedly Billy Crystal is right about this. 100. lol. This movie has tons of unforgettable quotes and the best writing ever produced to the big screen. Rob Reiner does not dissappont with this masterpiece. When Harry Met Sally has one of the greatest conclusions in the history of cinematography and I encourage any and everyone to watch it. Wow what a beautiful 💓 story. You don't see that everyday! Who knows one day my prince will find me too. Good move to marry her, or else these karmer would keep coming! 😬😬. THROOOWWWWBACK. Watch When Harry Met Sally... Full Movie ™ - video dailymotion. Movie Watch When Harry Met salle de bain.

Watch when harry met sally full movie online. I loved that Rhett always loved 😍Scarlett😍. WHAT a Great Guy. These satinac signs in this movie. When harry met sally watch full movie free. Gossip girl in the house. OH YES! JUST LIKE THAT. LMAO! And the guy at the end of video. You thought about joining in? The lady: NO that was too much! The guy: Yes you did! HA! HA. 2:19 LOOOLLLL. What the title of the song in the last part of the trailer.

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